Contra and Blue was originally released as a cassette
in October 1992 by Julie King and Claude Ginsburg. After being
out of print for a couple of years, it is now available in CD
format. See here to find out how
to order one.
Here's a track list:
- Spootiskerry
- Bird's Jig (David Cahn) / South Bay Grange (Mike Richardson)
- Waiting for Snow (Julie King)
- Contra and Blue (Claude Ginsburg)
- Interlude (Claude Ginsburg)
- Steamboat Reel / Homage a Pere Matou / Allie Crocker
- Antigonish Polka / La Russe
- Flutter and Vibration (Bill Boyd) / Out on the Ocean
- Eli Green's Cakewalk / The Orphan (Sid Blum)
- Ya Tenes Treinta Anos (Vals por Lynne) (Claude Ginsburg)
- Ash Heaps of Toutle (Claude Ginsburg) / Shenandoah Falls
This page last updated on January 9, 2002 by Dave Bartley.